Friday, November 11, 2011

6 Terrific Tips For Creating Shadowboxes

!: 6 Terrific Tips For Creating Shadowboxes

When decorating the interior of your home, you must not neglect the walls. You have a myriad of options to choose from, including wall vases, wall sconces, wall shelves, metal wall art, and basic wallpaper. One option that you should consider, is the shadowbox.

A shadowbox is a square or rectangular box, within a frame. The purpose of shadowboxes is to store and protect objects that you are displaying. Usually, a shadowbox includes a piece of glass on the front. Adding shadowboxes to your wall decor not only enhances the appearance of your home, but also can be a barrel of fun in the process. However, you should follow some basic guidelines, to ensure that you maximize the effect of the shadowbox:

1. Create a shadowbox out of everyday containers
Besides buying or creating your own shadowbox, you could also transform everyday containers in your home, into shadowboxes. This is particularly helpful if you are on a shoestring budget. Types of containers you could consider are:

o baskets
o cutlery drawers
o drawer dividers
o pictures with frames
o tin trays

2. Be creative in what you display
You can display virtually anything in a shadowbox. That can include objects from special occasions, types of collections, etc. Remember the expression, "out of sight, out of mind." With shadowboxes, you can store items from the most important events in your life, for all the world (actually, those who visit your house) to see. Some things you could display include:

o baby spoons
o bugs (dead ones)
o CDs
o china
o clothing
o coins
o figurines
o flowers
o gadgets
o heirlooms
o jewelry
o matchboxes
o miniatures
o photos
o potpourri
o roses
o seashells
o souvenirs
o stamps

The items do not have to be particularly valuable. In fact, in some cases, such as with seashells, they do not have to cost you a cent. It is more important that they are valuable to you.

3. Turn 2D objects, into 3D objects
For flat items, such as postcards, you can create a 3D affect by adding items such as berries (for trees) and cotton balls (for clouds), to literally add another dimension to the portrait.

4. Display items from your trip
Do you like to travel? Whether you travel to another state or another country, it is easy to collect souvenirs from your travels. That could include photos, postcards, and matchboxes. You could display those items in a shadowbox, to remind you of your travels. It also gives you a chance to share about your journeys, as there is a story behind every knick-knack that you picked up along the way.

5. Attach the items to something
This will ensure that the items will remain secure within the shadowbox. Be imaginative so the displaying of the items is not only functional, but also attractive.

6. Use pins to display fabric
If you are displaying fabric inside the shadowbox, be certain to use either ornamental straight pens or t-pins. Insert the pin into the backing, so the pinhead is concealed behind the object.

6 Terrific Tips For Creating Shadowboxes

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Government Auto Auctions

!: Government Auto Auctions

Government auto auctions:

Ever pull up to a late model Mercedes, or fully loaded BMW and catch yourself daydreaming about how that person had enough good fortune to be able to own such a remarkable luxury car? He might have purchased his ride from a government auto auction for a fraction of its retail value. As a matter of fact, he might be that one neighbor with all the toys in the garage you can't quite figure out how he can afford. Don't keep up with the Joneses - BE the Joneses. Find and attend government auto auctions near you!

Government seized auto auctions:

Government seized auto auctions are constantly supplied by criminals when they are caught. The government seizes cars - and anything else - the criminal owns, and there aren't too many drug dealers driving Ford Escorts! The government routinely seizes high-end luxury cars or highly customized vehicles during criminal investigations. These autos seized by the government include Acura, BMW, Cadillac, Honda, Infiniti, Lexus, Mercedes, Nissan, and the occasional exotic import - Aston Martin, Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati. If you are interested in a high end vehicle, but don't care for the retail price tag, then government seized auto auctions are for you. To find a government seized auto auction near you, check within DEAauctions.COM "Members area" today!

Government fleet vehicles:

Government fleet vehicles are the retired police cars and government service vehicles that are replaced at regular intervals. Government auto auctions include many government fleet vehicles. These tend to be domestic cars with high mileage, but regularly maintained. Unlike the government seized autos, you are more likely to receive vehicle history with a government fleet vehicles purchase. If vehicle history is important to you, ask before the auto auction begins for the information. Click here for more auction hints.

Government surplus autos:

Government surplus autos can be a combination of government fleet vehicles and government seized vehicles. These cars do not necessarily have higher mileage, they are simply no longer needed by the government. These can be passenger vehicles, "decoy vehicles" used by law enforcement, heavy equipment or even motorcycles and ATVs or snowmobiles. When a vehicle is no longer needed, it becomes a government surplus vehicle, available at a government surplus autos auction. For a listing of surplus autos auctions check out your local government auto auctions events.

A Final Word About government auto auctions

There are literally thousands of bargains available at government auto auctions. These bargains could be in your own backyard, and you may not even know it. Whether you need a car for yourself and don't want to spend a lot, or you have a teenager with a new license, government auto auctions offer some of the best values in the car auction market. All makes and models are available - that second car can become a reality without sacrificing safety or style to keep your wallet intact. With the high cost of storing cars, governments want to liquidate their surplus auto inventory as quickly as possible to save money. If you want to rack up the savings on your next government auto auctions purchase, click here.

Direct Access to the Most Complete Information
Some of the more common auction items include:

used autos o marine vehicles o jet skis o aircrafts o homes o real estate o commercial property o farm equipment o industrial o business o electronics o computers o antiques o art o coins o stamps o appliances o guns o travel o collectibles o clothing o crafts o boats o bikes o motorcycles o mobile homes o jewelry o toys o cars o trucks o mopeds o bicycles o cameras o televisions o clocks o furniture o unclaimed property o abandoned property o personal property o office furniture o condominiums o town homes o commercial property o vacant land o single family homes o machinery o tools o hardware o building supplies

and much, much more...

Government Auto Auctions

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Police Seizures In Your Area

!: Police Seizures In Your Area

police seizures:

Most every state, as well as the U.S. federal government, have police seizures laws that empower a law enforcement agency to seize property that was either used in the commission of a crime, or was purchased with money that was received through the commission of a crime.

Police seizures laws are generally used against drug dealers and organized crime members as another tool in the law enforcement arsenal. Once property is seized it is either converted to the government's use, or it is sold at a police auction.

police seizures laws vary:

The laws on police seizures vary between states. Some states have laws that are so broad that they are being challenged in the courts by the ACLU and other watchdog organizations.

In Washington State, for example, the police seizures laws are under close scrutiny by the state legislature itself. Investigations have shown that property has been seized from suspects, who were later found to be not guilty of an offence, yet the law enforcement agencies have refused to return the property and have either transferred ownership to themselves or have disposed of the property through a police auction.

Clearly there needs to be a balance between punishing criminals yet protecting the constitutional rights of innocent citizens. Police seizures laws are rather one-sided and a lot of work remains in achieving a level of fairness.

property at police seizures:

So, what kind of property is open to police seizures? You name it and it has probably been seized. Cars, jewelry, planes, boats, furs, homes, anything that has been used in a crime or purchased with money that came from a crime is a fair target.

For example. Let's say some guy is driving down the Interstate in his brand new red 2004 Ferrari 360 Modena with a list price of 7,332. The police stop him for speeding and discover a kilo of pure rock cocaine. Before you can say "It's not mine, it belongs to my friend", the police department is the proud owner of a new undercover drug officer's car and the former owner is still stuck with the payments! If the cops decide to turn that police seizure into cash then the Ferrari is likely to end up at a police auction.

Taking this same guy as an example and say that he is a cocaine dealer. Using money from his illicit trade bought his wife a two carat flawless diamond for 5,000. The police determine that he bought that with drug money and wham! Another police seizure. How about his 2.5 million dollar home in Locust Valley, NY? You guessed it -- police seizures strike again.

Although some level of potential corruption and unfairness may exist in the current laws regarding police seizures, it is still an effective tool for law enforcement, and it could be a windfall for you if those police seizures end up at police auctions!

Direct Access to the Most Complete Information
Some of the more common auction items include:

used autos o marine vehicles o jet skis o aircrafts o homes o real estate o commercial property o farm equipment o industrial o business o electronics o computers o antiques o art o coins o stamps o appliances o guns o travel o collectibles o clothing o crafts o boats o bikes o motorcycles o mobile homes o jewelry o toys o cars o trucks o mopeds o bicycles o cameras o televisions o clocks o furniture o unclaimed property o abandoned property o personal property o office furniture o condominiums o town homes o commercial property o vacant land o single family homes o machinery o tools o hardware o building supplies

and much, much more...

Police Seizures In Your Area

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tips For Stamp Collecting

!: Tips For Stamp Collecting

Most of the people who are into stamp collecting start it almost instantaneously. Just imagine that you got a mail and liked the stamp on it. You kept it with you. Unknowingly, a liking for the species 'stamps' has developed in you. This slight liking may then germinate into a hobby over time. No matter how you started liking them, you just discovered that they just have become one of your biggest passions in the life. No one likes to skimp on his passion, neither do you. But how can you make the most of your stamp collection? How can you deliver the expert's touch to your hobby? Well here follow the tips that may come to help you in stamp collecting:


The things that you need to have a complete stamp collection kit are:

o Stamps

o Stamp Album or a Decent Register

o Hinges

o Gums

Note carefully that never apply gum to the stamps directly to fix them onto the pages or the album; use the hinges for the purpose rather.

Where To Get The Stamps From

If you are just starting and don't know the sources of stamps, buy a packet of about 1000 stamps to start your stamp collecting hobby.

Next there are several sources where you can collect the stamps from:

o Direct purchase from the shop.

o Collecting from the used postal envelopes.

o Exchanging with friends.

o From pen friends in foreign countries.


While stamp collecting, do not just put the stamps in the pages of the album randomly. This will be a confusing collection for you later at a time. Distribute them in the various pages of the album after proper classification.

Don't Damage the Stamps

While removing the stamps from the envelop or letter, be careful not to get it torn or damage. This will cause a loss in value of the stamp.

Use Hinges

You should use hinges rather than using gum directly to paste the stamps. This allows you to rearrange the stamp positions in the album later and also would improve the quality of your collection. This will also make you look more professional in stamp collecting.

In Case You Want to Trade Stamps

When you decide to use the hobby of stamp collecting to earn profits, you have to bring a change in the strategy of growing the collection. For such an investment, it is better to invest on a few good quality stamps every month rather than going for several low priced stamps.

More Information on Stamps

There is an association called American Stamp Dealer's Association 147 W 42nd Street, New York 10036. This association can be wrote to if you want to gain more information about becoming a dealer.

A good stamp collecting guide can be The Scot Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue. Here you can find which stamps in your collection of stamps are valuable; hence it proves to be a very useful help for the ones taking stamp collecting as a way to earn profit.

Tips For Stamp Collecting

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ten Steps to a More Managed Life

!: Ten Steps to a More Managed Life

Learning to successfully plan your time and follow the plan is the most important key to structuring our lfie. But many people resist the idea of tracking their time. Maybe it seems like just "another thing to do" in an already harried schedule. I urge people who feel this way to try this system for one month. I tell them that if it doesn't work, pitch it. Most people I have worked with are willing to make the one-month commitment, and over 90 percent continue to use the system.

Let's get started with your own system to take control of your life and your time. As you glance through this section, you might be tempted to skip a step or two. I caution you that this is like a recipe. Skipping one step is the equivalent of leaving out an ingredient. For maximum success use all the ingredients.

Step One: Take stock of how you currently use your time.
Perhaps the most tedious of all the steps is to figure out exactly where your time is currently going. The balance wheel provided an overview of where you are. If possible, try to get even more specific. Many time management experts suggest carrying a planner and writing down everything you do for a week in fifteen-minute increments. I personally wouldn't recommend it because I could never find the time to do it, and each time I tried, I lasted about an hour. What worked for me was to divide a piece of paper into the following increments: Before Work, Morning at Work, Lunch Hour, Afternoon at Work, Evening with Samantha, After Samantha goes to Bed. In each square I wrote a few brief notes as to how I spent this time. I was able to maintain this method for the full week to get an accurate inventory of how I spent my time. Whatever method works for you is great; just try to gather some sort of weekly summary.

Step Two: Evaluate your week, simplify expectations and identify common time wasters. Recording a week's worth of activity can be an eye opener for many. In the hustle and bustle of life we often overlook how much time slips away that could be better utilized. As you look at your week, ask yourself the following:

How much time is spent spinning your wheels? Could positive planning help free up this time?

How many times do you make the same trip twice? (i.e. running errands in the same area of town, going to the store more than once.) How much time could positive planning free up if these trips were consolidated?

How much time is spent doing extra-commitments? (Helping church, school, friends or organizations.) If you budgeted a comfortable amount of time each week to others, but made a promise not to exceed it, would that help balance your life?

Do you really have to do everything? What on your list could be delegated or become a shared responsibility? Are there any items kids could help with? Could you pay a baby sitter a little extra to help clean or grocery shop? Could you start a car pool with other single parents to eliminate the constant demand of driving?

Do you have to do everything so often? If you are cleaning your home once a week, top to bottom, could that be done once a month and spot cleaning be done weekly? If your time is being devoured by items that are low or nonexistent on your balance wheel, consider deleting or simplifying those tasks. Could you go to the grocery store monthly for the bulk of your food and just drop in weekly for perishables? If financial considerations prevent monthly trips to the grocery store, consider making this a goal to work toward.

What areas are simply getting too much time? Are the mornings devoted to too much dawdling and not enough doing? Are phone calls taking away from work time or family time?

What about you? Often the first thing to be eliminated from a schedule is time for one's self. How much time did you devote to yourself last week -- without children? Did you take a walk alone? Relax for a while in peace and quiet? If you know that you aren't making time for adequate rejuvenation, sleep, exercise, diet or other self-maintenance, make this a starred priority. You need energy and self-care in order to nurture your children. Try and block out at least two hours a week for time that is completely devoted to you. The energy that you collect from two hours of focused time will easily recover those hours and more.

Step Three: Make an inventory of responsibilities and goals.
As you went through Step Two, you most likely pinpointed where your time is escaping and remedies for correcting it. You also probably figured out what tasks need to be done and what is done more out of habit than need. Step Three involves listing out all your responsibilities and goals. Once we have them all on the table, we can begin to insert them into your life management system.

On a fresh sheet of notepaper list all the responsibilities you can think of. You may want to divide these into three columns -- personal, family and work. The weekly inventory from Step One offers a good starting point of responsibilities. Keep this list handy, since more responsibilities may occur to you throughout the upcoming days.

Here are some responsibilities that may be on your list:

Carpool Vacuuming
Education Yard Work
Volunteer Work Finances
Cooking Exercise
Pet Care Work
Grocery Shopping Helping at School
Sweeping & Mopping Laundry
Church/Temple (or Synagogue)

Step Four: Prioritize with the A, B, C method.
People have a tendency to create to-do lists and give each task equal billing. Most of the time, not everything needs to be done immediately. Listing everything together can create a false sense of urgency and unneeded stress. Try identifying each item with a priority tag as shown here.

A - For items that must be done out of prior commitment or because they are part of your goals, priorities or value system.

B - For items that you hope to get done if you can complete all of the A-Priority tasks.

C- For items that need to be done at some point.

Many people find that when starting to prioritize, they have mostly A's and few B or C items. Since many of us don't practice regular planning, this is quite common. After a few weeks of planning and maximizing your time, you should begin to see a better balance of A, B, and C items.

Once each item is prioritized, compare your list to your balance wheel. Are you heading in the direction you want your life to take? Many people find that just recording these items on paper leads toward a more balanced wheel. If it doesn't for you, look over the list again. Is there anything else you could change or do to take you one step closer to your balanced goal?

Step Five: Create a monthly plan.
A monthly plan is similar to a balance wheel in that it serves as an overview for where you are. Sketch in responsibilities and appointments on a monthly calendar.

As you write each item on your calendar, ask yourself--Does this coincide with the plan I have for my life? If not, why am I doing it? Sometimes these are items that we must do, but other times they might be things we do out of habit. For example, one woman, Cindy, reported that she cleaned her house thoroughly every Sunday and wished she could hire a maid. With her high devotion to cleaning, I asked her if this was a priority in her life. She replied that it wasn't.

After a few moments she said that her mother had always kept a very tidy house, and she felt that was part of her "expectations." Cindy switched from a thorough cleaning once a week to a monthly thorough cleaning and touch-ups on weekends. This created close to fourteen extra hours for her each month.

Step Six: Create a weekly plan.
The weekly plan sheet will serve as your primary tool for life management. I find that filling out a weekly plan sheet each Sunday afternoon or evening makes my weeks much more effective and helps to maximize each day. Here's how it works:
Each Sunday look at your responsibility list and your monthly calendar. Jot down any appointments or commitments on your weekly planner. Next, look at the time you have left and get out your balance wheel. Look at the ideal wheel you made earlier. Glance at your goals. Fill in the remaining spaces with those items. Your schedule might be so hectic that you only see a few 30-minute increments over the course of the week. Don't let them slip away!

Step Seven: Create a daily plan each night.
Each night before retiring, jot down a plan for the following day. I find that using the same increment schedule I mentioned for tracking time works best for me. I simply divide a piece of paper into morning responsibilities, afternoon responsibilities and evening responsibilities. Others report great success with a system documented by hours. Find a method that works for you and you'll see how the daily plan accomplishes several vital functions:

1. You don't have to "store" everything in your mind. You can jot it down, plan it and then let it go. This helps to alleviate stress.

2. You can eliminate spinning your wheels and wondering what to do next since you simply follow the plan.

3. It offers a sense of accomplishment as you mark off each item you have accomplished.

Note: On your daily list you may want to name your top three priorities for the day. These tasks should contain three things that no matter what would allow you to feel good about your day if you accomplished them.

Step Eight: Utilize to-do lists.
To-do lists offer a great release. I keep a spiral notebook in my purse at all times. I use this to jot down anything I think of that I need to do. At one point, I tried to have just a master list at home, but soon noticed that I never thought of anything that needed to be done until I was stuck in traffic, playing at the park or at some other location equally far from my pen and paper.

By jotting down these items as they occur to you, a person doesn't have to continually focus on them, be preoccupied or try to remember them.

Step Nine: Organize a time-management center.
You will need to have a time-management center to keep track of your progress and schedules. If you don't have a spare drawer, pick up an accordion file at your local office supply store. Stock your file with the following:

o Scratch paper or to-do list paper

o A monthly calendar

o Pencils/pens

o Weekly and daily calendars (Check into the many planners available today. There are several that can be customized to fit your needs. Or, if you have a computer, make your own forms, hole-punch them, and insert these papers into a three-ring binder. This allows you to customize your entire organizer.)

o A section to hold bills (folders that are three-hole-punched are excellent if you are using a three-ring binder)

o A section to hold important papers

o A section for receipts and other important items

o Stamps and different sized envelopes

o Note cards

o Frequently dialed numbers, doctor, etc.

o A list of immunizations for children or other important medical records

Step Ten: Evaluate your progress weekly or monthly.
Sit down with your balance wheel, goals and schedules on a regular basis. Make a new balance wheel based on what you have done over the last month or week. Are you getting closer to your goals? If so, continue on the same track. If not, double back and look for steps you may have skipped in the process.

Ten Steps to a More Managed Life

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Monday, April 18, 2011

A Victory Garden

In the early forties, women shopped with ration cards
that only the amount of food purchased for
Support the war effort. To supplement their meager rations,
rose gardens in spare plots of land and also in
their backyard. rows of lettuce, tomatoes, yellow wax
Beans, green onions, yellow squash and cabbage planted
everywhere. Because the ingredients for the meals depended
what is available inWardrobe and garden, home
Cooks really had to stretch their ideas.

For a meal in the late afternoon, the cabbage leaves are filled with
Ground beef, uncooked rice, stewed tomatoes and a pinch of sugar.

Olive Stamps

Stuffed cabbage leaves

A Victory Garden

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1922-25 Issue "Bison" 30 Cents/1923 (Olive Brown) Stamp (#569).

(For 8)

8 large cabbage leaves, washed and whole

1-lb. Chop

1 cup rice, uncooked

1 can of stewed tomatoes, chopped

1/4-tsp sugar

1/2-cup chopped onion

Salt and pepperTaste

Instructions: In a pot boil water large enough to cover cabbage
Leaves. Turn up the heat and add the cabbage leaves for three
Minutes, the soft leaves. In a large bowl: mix
Minced meat, cooked rice, onion and sugar.Season with salt and pepper. After the ground meat mixture is well blended. Spoon enough of the meat mixture in cabbage
Leaves. After filling with meat. Roll each
full and doorsecure with a toothpick. Line a baking pan filled with leaves and pour the stewed tomatoes over them.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour. Serve with a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes cooked with a sweet vinegar
Salad dressings.

boiled vinegar dressing

1 cup white vinegar

1/2-cup sugar

1/2-cup water

Salt and pepper to taste

Instructions: In a saucepan: add the sugar, vinegar and water over medium heat. Agitationfrequently, until the vinegar
Sugar and water are thoroughly mixed. Allow to cool. Pour the dressing over the salad and tomatoes and combine
until the salad is well equipped with the dressing.

Pumpkin is so versatile to prepare. And 'good for the steam
bit 'of butter and nutmeg, baked in a casserole favorite sliced
thin and dipped in a egg wash, then flour and polenta served in a rolled up and fell into a pot of hot vegetable oilOil.

Fried Pumpkin

4 or 5 yellow zucchini, thinly sliced

2 eggs, beaten

1/4-cup water

1 cup flour

3/4-cup cornmeal

Salt and pepper to taste

3 cups vegetable oil

Instructions: Mix the eggs with water. Dip wash the windows of the yellow squash in egg mixture. Enjoy the pumpkin for fifteen minutes. In a bowl: Mix the flour, yellow corn flour,
season with salt and pepper. The coating slices of yellow squash
with experience in grainMeal and flour mixture. In a deep fryer:
Gently drop the coated slices of squash plants in the hot oil and fry until golden brown.

Crispy yellow wax beans have never been able to contact the
finickey appetite to add the bacon. For the carb conscious, olive oil is replaced.

yellow wax beans with bacon

2 lbs. fresh yellow wax beans, parboiled

2 slices bacon, chopped

1/4-cup chopped onion

Instructions: In a frying panCook bacon until
happened. Remove from pan and set aside. Skip
Onion in bacon fat or olive oil until transparent.
Add the parboiled wax beans and bacon. Coat wax
Beans evenly with lard or oil.

When rations ran sugar content, it was a sugar-free lemon cake invented
for the days when dessert was required before food stamps are gone.

Lemon Pie Victory


Graham cracker crust

16-Graham Crackers

2 Tlb sugar

1/4-cup butter or margarine, melted

Directions: Combine ingredients and press into a pan of eight inches. Bake at 150 degrees for ten minutes.

1-1/3-cups sweetened condensed milk

1 tsp. grated lemon peel

1/2-cup lemon juice

2 egg yolks, mix well until thickened

Directions: Combine the ingredients. Preheat oven to 350Degrees.



A pinch of salt

1/4-tsp vanilla

sugar to stiffen protein

Instructions: Mix the egg whites in medium bowl with salt and
vanilla. Set the mixer at high speed by adding a little sugar 'at a time. If the egg white peaks are formed,
Spoon mixture on top of cake. Bake the cake for ten
fifteen minutes. Serve chilled.

A Victory GardenCute stamps and application agenda Bobcat Cardofmyeye Video Clips. Duration : 9.37 Mins.

This is a super cool young lion card necessary materials are first DCWV textured black cardboard or paper cut to 5 1 / 2 by 4 1 / 4 olive oil 2 Paper Box Paper 3 Whisper of the chessboard white cardboard fourth TLC Studios jungle stamp set certainly celery 5 5 / 8 grosgrain band 6 inches Colorbox Queue Chalk Ink or ink in a seventh golden hue Tombo Mono Adhesive Runner Thanks for watching and check out my other videos for more great cards and scrapbook pages and comment subscribe rate finally have a great day

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby Card Challenge

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry Manufacturer

One of the cleaner use of precious metal clay (PMC and Art Clay Silver or ACS) is that you just add texture to your creations. Metal Clay came first, the only way to texture metal as jewelry manufacturers, has been with chemicals to etch, stamp metal stamp, or an expensive rolling mill. Metal Clay on the other side more or less like clay or plasticine, in order to create unusual details, complicated patterns and molds, and addTexture to the material while soft. Try doing that with metal!

These are some simple ways to add texture to add precious metal clay wet.

Olive Stamps

Be sure before you, but remember that the precious metal clay is sticky, and you need a release agent to apply what he touches. I like a thin layer of olive oil on my hands, work area and tools to use. Skip this not! I am terribly sorry and I'm a mess of stain. Be sure to use, not too much oilalthough, as this cause mass confusion.

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry Manufacturer

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1. Texture plastic dishes / plates rubbing

These are pretty cheap, and usually printed on each side of the paper texture come. Just press the clay on the sheet, or vice versa

2. Repurposed items

Found objects are the last word in low-cost texturing step! Coins, leaves, bark, wood, fabrics, wallpaper and bits of texture everyone wants the job. Remember to apply some 'of olive oil or other release agents. U.S.Your imagination and find many items with texture, or you can use. Skewer or toothpick can also be used to make points and scratch lines in the clay. If possible, they used a typewriter key press to select letters and words found in your clay. If it is not possible, the old typewriter keys are cheap metal letter stamps.

3. And silicone rubber texture mats

mats are truly amazing texture pattern, and since this type of carpets arefolding, you can click on curved shapes.

4. Push Molds

There are some beautiful polymer clay press molds are available, but since most are not flexible, you have a question you get clay precious metal out of them. Be sure to contribute a bit 'of olive oil or with a product like Cool Slip-metal sound that does not fit the mold. Rent to drain precious metal clay to reduce and relieve a bit 'too stubborn clay. Here are flexible push moldsCandy and power connections cake decorating that the work a pleasure.

5. Stamp

The stamps come in a bewildering variety of species in those days. Power Pin Art scrapbooking stores and suppliers also all around stamp.

6. DIY Texturing Gear

I like my outfit textures from polymer clay. Made to your own, just what I do and scrap polymer clay into a lump with a handle little 'coming from behind. Make a modelby lumpy. As a result, the share will be printed in the clay. I'm so with the grid design, flowers, polka dots and small leaves. Once an instrument is produced, enough to care for your new information tool for texturing polymer clay. There are many other ways to make your own textures and instruments. Be sure to check out my other items for further recommendations.

Since it is easy to see precious metal clay has almost limitless possibilities for the production of textureJewelry, amulets, charms, beads and findings.

What did you do today?

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry ManufacturerMini-waterfall photo album Tube. Duration : 9.88 Mins.

There are several variants of the waterfall card, here's an idea photo album! It 'been so much fun! It features remote Island Ducks Nesting stamp and ink pad Ducks Laua our island in the olive color. Click here to order online from The size of the pieces of cardboard are embedded in the video. I apologize if I can not understand .. I am just passing a cold.

Keywords: Scrapbooking, cards, photo, album, rubber, stamp, stamping, hawaiian, tropical, scrapbook

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry Manufacturer

One of the cleaner use of precious metal clay (PMC and Art Clay Silver or ACS) is that you just add texture to your creations. Metal Clay came first, the only way to texture metal as jewelry manufacturers, has been with chemicals to etch, stamp metal stamp, or an expensive rolling mill. Metal Clay on the other side more or less like clay or plasticine, in order to create unusual details, complicated patterns and molds, and addTexture to the material while soft. Try doing that with metal!

These are some simple ways to add texture to add precious metal clay wet.

Olive Stamps

Be sure before you, but remember that the precious metal clay is sticky, and you need a release agent to apply what he touches. I like a thin layer of olive oil on my hands, work area and tools to use. Skip this not! I am terribly sorry and I'm a mess of stain. Be sure to use, not too much oilalthough, as this cause mass confusion.

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry Manufacturer

!1: Now is the time Victorian Wax Seal Dove Olive Branch Peace Tag Charm and Peridot Bead Earrings Sterling Silver Order Today!

Nice Design by :AzureBella JewelryOver All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : Date Created :Mar 16, 2011 05:00:33
"May it be yours to share" Sterling silver dove with olive branch wax seal charm and 4mm faceted peridot bead french wire earrings. Earrings hang 23mm. Charms are 12mm diameter. .925 Sterling Silver. Our Victorian Wax Seal Charms were created from a private collection of antique English and French wax seals from the 1800's. These treasures from history inspire chic new collectibles for today!

1. Texture plastic dishes / plates rubbing

These are pretty cheap, and usually printed on each side of the paper texture come. Just press the clay on the sheet, or vice versa

2. Repurposed items

Found objects are the last word in low-cost texturing step! Coins, leaves, bark, wood, fabrics, wallpaper and bits of texture everyone wants the job. Remember to apply some 'of olive oil or other release agents. U.S.Your imagination and find many items with texture, or you can use. Skewer or toothpick can also be used to make points and scratch lines in the clay. If possible, they used a typewriter key press to select letters and words found in your clay. If it is not possible, the old typewriter keys are cheap metal letter stamps.

3. And silicone rubber texture mats

mats are truly amazing texture pattern, and since this type of carpets arefolding, you can click on curved shapes.

4. Push Molds

There are some beautiful polymer clay press molds are available, but since most are not flexible, you have a question you get clay precious metal out of them. Be sure to contribute a bit 'of olive oil or with a product like Cool Slip-metal sound that does not fit the mold. Rent to drain precious metal clay to reduce and relieve a bit 'too stubborn clay. Here are flexible push moldsCandy and power connections cake decorating that the work a pleasure.

5. Stamp

The stamps come in a bewildering variety of species in those days. Power Pin Art scrapbooking stores and suppliers also all around stamp.

6. DIY Texturing Gear

I like my outfit textures from polymer clay. Made to your own, just what I do and scrap polymer clay into a lump with a handle little 'coming from behind. Make a modelby lumpy. As a result, the share will be printed in the clay. I'm so with the grid design, flowers, polka dots and small leaves. Once an instrument is produced, enough to care for your new information tool for texturing polymer clay. There are many other ways to make your own textures and instruments. Be sure to check out my other items for further recommendations.

Since it is easy to see precious metal clay has almost limitless possibilities for the production of textureJewelry, amulets, charms, beads and findings.

What did you do today?

Other ways to get your texture Precious Metal Clay for Jewelry ManufacturerRare Hong Kong brand sold for HK $ 6,400,000 Tube. Duration : 1.65 Mins.

An extremely rare and only Queen Victoria 96C. block of four olive-brown ink to HK $ 6,400,000 was sold at auction Spink series of two days of rare stamps, coins, banknotes, bonds and stocks, the place at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Hong Kong . This coveted block of four stamps sold to a buyer anonymous, and Hong Kong became the most expensive stamp ever sold at auction in Hong Kong.

Tags: Spink, stamp, philateley, Hong Kong, auction, Queen Victoria

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Friday, March 11, 2011

How Precious Metal Clay earrings

Metal Clay is a soft clay-like substance. But when it burns in contact with the heat of a furnace or torch, the binder to form a solid metal object, which can then be finished and polished to produce. A popular resource in the arts and crafts, is often used to make jewelry, beads and sculptures. metal clay, also known as precious metal clay, or PMC, is composed of small particles, including gold, platinum or silver, and mixed with an organic binder and water. Similarsoft clay, can this kind of support can be formed and poured by hand into various shapes in various sizes and shapes to create. Once dried, the clay of the metal is heated to high temperatures, burning to leave the binding solution of the metal particles. The sound of metal the size of this process, which is useful for creating the appearance of fine detail and intricate work on the decline.

There are various forms of metal clay and each person has their own preferences to what worksbetter. One of the most popular choices in the production of jewelry is silver tone, containing particles of metallic silver and a finer surface.

Olive Stamps

Getting Started

How Precious Metal Clay earrings

!1: Now is the time Victorian Wax Seal Dove Olive Branch Peace Tag Charm and Peridot Bead Earrings Sterling Silver Order Today!

Nice Design by :AzureBella JewelryOver All Rating Reviews : Great Deal : Date Created :Mar 12, 2011 10:04:25
"May it be yours to share" Sterling silver dove with olive branch wax seal charm and 4mm faceted peridot bead french wire earrings. Earrings hang 23mm. Charms are 12mm diameter. .925 Sterling Silver. Our Victorian Wax Seal Charms were created from a private collection of antique English and French wax seals from the 1800's. These treasures from history inspire chic new collectibles for today!

There are a variety of tools for metal clay-based and inexpensive to be used when working with this substance, common tools include a roll of sand paper, clear plastic graph paper. All these tools help to achieve a professional finish and high quality. transparent plastic is used to protect areas in graph paperhelps create the ideal size and shape, but remember, the shrinkage into account when drawing up your design. Another important tool is a sharp knife, which is necessary for cutting and engraving. After the design process, the shiny silver tone and must then be smoothed.

Silver Clay is an ideal material for use with the forms and cut, if the hand or products on the market. The molds are ideal for the reproduction of an identical design, and when you create a batch of a productor when building a collection, the same design combines all the elements.

First steps to make Metal Clay earrings

Spread the roll of clay, a few millimeters thick and use shapes or cutting, to provide the necessary amount of earrings. If the sound is dry, olive oil may be added for additional moisture. Working with clay, precious metal, and a flexible and creative freedom, and if the creation of hand-engraved designs or trademarks,influence is always unique and distinctive. Once the design is complete, a hole through the top of the suspension of the envisaged earring earring.

Once dry, put the earrings in a fired furnace or a gas burner, then take the time to clean and polish the earrings in a variety of coatings ranging from a sleek look, glossy or matt natural. Once satisfied with the finished piece of metal wire can play through the earring to be inserted to create a loop.Finish the look with the addition of various precious stones, pearls and beads, if desired.

How Precious Metal Clay earringsMacma - Best Wishes Video Clips. Duration : 8.28 Mins.

Create a map from start to finish. Other ------------ BLOG: Twitter: SUPPLIES ------------ Solid Cardstock: Kraft, Old Olive fancy paper (Stampin 'Up!): Restoration 6x6 paper pad (Crate Paper) Balloon Stamps: Happy Birthday Set (Tuesday Technology) Stars Stamps: Itty Bitty Backgrounds (Prato Fawn) Ink: Old Olive, red rose, saffron, and pumpkin pie ( Stampin 'Up!) Ink Embossing: Embossing Powder VersaMark: White Zingembossing powder (American Crafts) White Feather: Broad white Signo pen (Uni-Ball) Blender Pen: (! Stampin 'Up) Blender scoring Digital Pen: Silhouette Notes: Tuesdays and technology of Prato Fawn marks were sent by the producers using the review .

Tags: arts, crafts, scrapbooking, stamping, cards, cardmaking, papercrafting, birthday, balloons, technique, Tuesday, Lawn, Fawn

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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